Monday, December 31, 2007

Mysteries of the Great Pyramids

This is an interesting article I read a few years ago in the Magazine Akandh Jyoti (November; December 2003 Issue.)
This article can be found at: Akandh Jyoti

Mysteries of the Great Pyramids

The pyramids of Egypt have always been a center of curiosity and attraction. From common tourists to historians, archeologists and scientific researchers, everyone feels somewhat fascinated by these mysterious monuments. For what purpose the pyramids were originally built and by whom? How were they used in the ancient times? Answers to these questions still remain a matter of controversies and endless debate. For many years, the pyramids were thought to be royal graveyards made for preservation of the mummies. However, the majestic geometrical and archaeo-astronomical features of the pyramids and the amazing energy fields found by the researchers inside these gigantic structures reveal a gamut of new facets.

The word ‘pyramid’ originates from the Greek words ‘pyra + mid’. ‘Pyra’ means ‘fire’ and ‘mid’ means ‘in the middle’. Thus, the literal meaning of pyramid would be – in the middle of fire (energy!). This indicates a possibility that the pyramids were constructed to serve as energy reservoirs or sources of accessing and preserving energy from the cosmos. The distinct geometrical features of these masterpiece designs also show the superb scientific knowledge of their architects.

The geometrical analysis of the ‘Great Pyramids’ at Giza (Egypt) shows that the base area of a pyramid divided by twelve times its height equals the universal mathematical constant π (pi). The ratio of its vertical and horizontal edges is 1.618…, which is an important geometrical constant φ (phi). This perfection of mathematical formulae in its design can’t be a mere coincidence. It is also a puzzling surprise that its depth below the earth’s surface is exactly the same as its heights above the surface.

A billion times of the height of a Great Pyramid equals the astronomical unit (the sun-earth distance). It is also remarkable that the solar energy-radiations are found to be significantly dense on the earth at this distance at the inclination at which the pyramids are located. The north-south axis (diagonal) in the middle of the pyramid divides the earth in two equal parts; not only that, this division also halves the land and the water on the earth. These and similar findings affirm that the architects of the pyramids had accurate knowledge of the geometry of the earth and the solar system and they had made use of it for advanced level experiments and applications through these pyramid shaped laboratories.

The wonders of pyramids include the fact that these are situated right above the geo-center of the gravitational field. The total of diagonal lengths of a Great Pyramid is about ten-thousandth fraction of the radius of the earth. The original meter, which was defined as one ten millionth of the distance between North Pole and the Equator, is one-fortieth of its edge. It appears that the pyramids were also used for certain standards of scale. If we multiply the number of days (= 365) in a non-leap year by 100 and add the number of hours (=24) in one day (the extra day of the leap year!), we get 36524. This happens to be the value (in meters) of the total peripheral surface of a Great Pyramid! The entrances of all the pyramids happen to face the East. Moreover their central axes at the entrance are directed towards the point in ecliptic reached by the sun at solstice (on the 21st June and 22nd December, when the sun is farthest from the equator and appears to pause before the earth returns nearer). These findings suggest astrological / astronomical applications of the pyramids.

Historical studies mention of an Egyptian Archaeo-architect and Priest named Imhotep, who had prepared the calendar of the year 4229 B.C.; it is amazing to note that his calendar also showed 365 days in a year. Such precision of calculations was also reflected in other information given in his calendar; this could be possible only by substantial knowledge of the movements of the planets and stars in and around our solar system. Usually very few planet/stars are seen in the sky over Cairo (Egypt), that too not so clearly as could be visible from other parts of the world. Then, what kinds of telescopes were used for astronomical studies those days? Were the pyramids serving as the observatories? This was also the common belief of the Arabs. However, the scientific authenticity of this possibility got accepted only after publication of the book "The Great Pyramid – Observatory, Tomb and Temple" by British Astronomer, Richard Anthony Procter in the late nineteenth century.

The learned author has revealed many important facts on applications of pyramids in planetary studies in the above book. According to him, the location of pyramids on the Equator is along the north-south geo-axis from where positions and movements of the planets and stars on the North Pole side could have been studied by the astrologers of ancient Egypt. The canals beneath the base of the pyramids lie straight in the direction of the Pole Star; the deviation angles of its rays could be measured here. These canals are dug beneath the earth’s surface at an angle of 26 degrees and 17 minutes, which happens to be the angle of reflection of light there. The upward and downward directions of these canals are according to the angles of incidence and reflection of light. These dark wells of 200 ft deep canals thus illustrate the thorough knowledge of astronomy by the experts of those days.

The above are some notable facts on the construction of the pyramids. The atmosphere inside the pyramids is found more astonishing and has posed many challenges before the modern scientists. Nobel Laureate Luis Alvarez had tried to measure the energy levels inside the pyramids using a cosmic counter machine but he did not succeed, as his instrument stopped working in the energized fields here. Surprisingly, it happened during several trials; the instrument would start functioning fine as soon as it was brought out beyond a certain distance from the pyramids. X-raying the pyramids by groups of scientists coupled with the studies by renowned physicists like Dr. A. Goneid showed findings inside the pyramids that were beyond explanation by scientific laws. Dr. M. Mc Luhan of Ontario, Canada and several others have also researched on these aspects and found that somewhat different forms of energy-fields than the electromagnetic energy (which is the energy so far known, pervading in the space) seem to exist inside the pyramids.

In view of these arcane energy fields of high intensity found inside the pyramids, the researchers opine that such marvelous scientific structures can’t be graveyards. These must have been built for some super-level purposes such as astronomic studies, understanding of the cosmos, experiments on subliminal energy, and/or spiritual modes of devotion, etc. Many believe that the rare cosmic energy indwelling here could induce sublime transmutation. This view is strongly supported by Manly P. Hall in his celebrated work entitled "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" (first ed. 1928). He mentions that staying inside the pyramids used to empower the devotees with evolved spiritual energy. In his view, pyramids might have been constructed as spiritual energy centers for enlightened transformation of personality.

Historical reviews also indicate that as per the period of their construction, the pyramids do not appear to be originally constructed as the graveyards of the Pharaoh Kings of Egypt; neither their construction took place during the reigns of the latter. In his research dissertation on "The Pyramids of Egypt", published in 1964, I. E. S. Edwards has shown 3100 B. C. to 332 B. C. as the period of the rule of the Pharaohs in Egypt. Till the early 20th Century AD, the pyramids were also largely believed to have been erected during this period. However, advanced archeological studies and scientific analysis have shown that the pyramids are much older. British archeologist, Walter Emory had examined the stones of the Great Pyramids of Giza using spectrographs and had estimated the age of these constructions to be between eleven thousand to fifteen thousand years. The Bodleian Library at Oxford has an antique treatise of Egypt, which is written on Birch Leaves. Abu Al Massoudi describes the pyramids as constructed prior to the disastrous inundation that had engulfed most parts of the earth and gave rise to its present form. As most of the modern historians approve the occurrence of this epochal flood disaster to be before 15000 years, the age of the pyramids is found to be older than fifteen thousand years from historical proofs as well. Similar supporting evidences of the recent times affirm that the great pyramids of Egypt were not built during the reign of the Pharaohs. Arabic researcher Abu Jed Al Balkhi has estimated the age of these pyramids as about thirty-three thousand years based on the results of Carbon-14 techniques applied to the organic remains of the later ages in these monuments.

It is important here to note the recent findings of distinguished anthropologist and archaeologist Prof. Tom Dillehay and Dr Dennis Stanford on the prehistoric global migration. They have thoroughly analyzed the archaeological data, the antique structures, data from excavated sites and the skulls, bones and soil/stone constructs obtained there, data on linguistic and geographic history and the data on anthropological research and evolutionary studies in genetics. Their research has annulled the hypothesis that Asians had migrated to America via the Bay of Bering about ten thousands years ago. Based on the results of this research, Prof. Tom Dillehay of the Archaeology Dept., Kentucky University (USA) concludes that – there are proofs of human inhabitation in Chile since about 33,000 years; the migration of Asians towards the American continent had begun much before that. He also argues that even the frozen strait of Bering could not hinder this migration. According to Dr. Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian Institute (USA) this prehistoric migration had taken place in three to four stages. The findings of these researchers also support what was written by Abu Al Massoudi and point out that the architects of The Great Pyramids were not the ancient Egyptians, rather some others who had reached there much before the advent of Egyptian or Greek civilization.

Who were these "others" who had constructed the pyramids? The observations of Bill Schultz and Ed Petit are worth noting in this context. In their book "The Secret Powers of Pyramids" the authors cite that the fame of ancient Greeks as the founders of Mathematics is there just because they were able to decipher some knowledge from a well developed science of much more older civilization. The classical Alexandria of Greeks could gather and propagate only a fraction of the gigantic knowledge available with the handful of great sages, the unknown migrants, who had reached the land of Egypt thousands of years before the dawn of Greek civilization. These strangers (migrants from some more ancient and advanced civilization) of yore –– the founders of trigonometry, geometry, archaeology and astronomy – were the architects of the pyramids in the views of the authors.

The above findings and the studies of ancient Indian Culture indicate that the great sagacious migrants believed to be the architects of The Great Pyramids were the Indian rishis (the seers, sages and scientists of Vedic Age), who possessed supramental talents and had realized the supreme knowledge. Many of their disciples had migrated in small groups to even the farthest corners of the globe1 to spread the light of this supreme knowledge and sow the seeds of human civilization there. That the rishis possessed immense knowledge of the sciences pertaining to matter and the gross manifestation of Nature along with their expertise in spirituality and yoga – is clearly reflected in several treatises of the Vedic Literature. The following slokas from the 352nd Chapter of the "Matsya Puran" cite the names of eighteen experts of archaeo-architecture and civil engineering of the Vedic Age:

Bhraguratrirvasistha Ca Visvakarma Mayastatha |
Narado Nagnajiccaiva Visalaksah Purandarah ||

Brahmakumaro Nandisah Saunako Garg Eva Ca |
Vasudevoaniruddhasca Tatha Sukrabraahaspati ||

Astadasaite Vikhyata Vastusastropadesakah |
Sanksepanopadistam Yanmanve Matsyarupina ||

Of these eighteen, Vishwakarma and Maya were regarded as the leading masters. These two are referred respectively as the architects for the devatas (manifestations of divine powers) and for the danavas (demonic giants). The magical buildings, cities and supernatural instruments devised by them are cited in the Vedic Literature and also in the later scriptures like Mahabharata and Ramayana. That these were not mere mythological depictions has been authentically investigated by the researchers of the modern times as well1,2. It was certainly an easy task for such geniuses to construct the monumental pyramids. Archaeological and historical research up till now has shown that the Maya civilization in ancient Mexico was an offshoot of the Maya civilization in ancient India. The ‘Inca’ civilization spread from Ecuador to Peru was also a branch of this civilization cultivated by Maya and his followers. All these evidences strengthen the findings of Prof. Dillehay and Dr. Bill Schultz et al and show that the Great Pyramids are also an illustration of the advanced architectural knowledge of the Vedic India and that the great Indian architects of that time had constructed these wonders of the world.

What the historical data mark as the time period when the Shulbsutra and Brahmsutra were written now appears to be a little before the time the pyramids were built. These two post-vedic Indian scriptures happen to be the fundamental source of knowledge (derived from the Vedas) on vastukala (architecture), which also encompasses the secrets of constructions for archaeo-astronomical and ethno-astrological studies and hidden specificities of vastu-designs for spiritual impact, etc. This further leads to the conclusion that the ancient Indians had masterminded the magnificent design and amazing properties of The Great Pyramids.

Another puzzle associated with the pyramids is the purpose and mode of their use. The history of investigations on their mystery has also been very interesting. Many anecdotes were popular in the first few centuries A. D. about the tragic deaths of some explorers who tried to dig out the facts inside. The first authentic record in the history mentions of Khalifa Harun Al Rashid’s adventurous son Abdullah Al Memmon’s attempt in the year 820 A. D. Abdullah went inside the pyramids with a group of some intrepid young men carrying heavy hammers and chisels. Their efforts of removing or breaking some stones were ruined in the void, as the stones and their joints were too stout for the tools. In another attempt, concentrated acid was used to make a big hole from where some of the investigators could enter inside the gigantic tombs. But, they could find nothing – not a single corpse or mummy, no royal belongings. It took them about a month to come out from that labyrinth.

The common belief of these being the graveyards for preservation of the mummies was shattered completely when a team of investigators of international repute declared after search operations for several months that there were no mummies, no coffins and no hidden treasures inside the pyramids or in their basements. It is quite probable that in some period of the Egyptian rule, these might have been used for this purpose, as the energy fields inside were found to be miraculous. Most likely, this hypothesis also might have been just imaginary or an offshoot of false notions created to enhance the glory of the Pharaohs. Whatever it be, the possibility of such majestic designs with astonishing scientific and astronomical features having been constructed for merely keeping dead bodies does not appear logical in any respect; it is also not supported by any of the authentic research studies.

The unique energy fields found here indicate that these pyramids were made and used for higher-level meditations, devotional practices and spiritual experiments. These appear to be serving as reservoirs of cosmic radiation for such experiments. Journalist and philosopher, Paul Brunton had spent a night in a pyramid of Giza. His observations were compiled in the book (published by Rider & Co., 1935) entitled "A Search in Secret Egypt" where he mentions of experiencing the presence of divine consciousness-force inside these ‘celestial’ laboratories.

Several scientific experiments conducted inside the pyramids illustrate the presence of an exceptional energy field. Among these, the experiment of Austrian scientist Vern Cameron has been very popular. He had kept a watermelon inside a bathroom type wet chamber in the pyramid. Surprisingly, despite having water inside and around, the watermelon had shrunk into a tiny dry-fruit of the size of a chestnut with splendid taste. This amazing result inspired the scientist to study the aura of energy there. For this, he first worked with spectrographic recording of the energy domains (of light radiations, thermal and electromagnetic energy currents, etc) inside pyramid shaped designs in his lab. The aura of energy had an inverted pyramid shape and showed concentration of superimposed energy waves towards the base-center. The field remained dense at the particular spot for long time even after the model designs were taken away.

Another widely publicized experiment was conducted in the late twentieth century by some Russian scientists. A pot containing a six inches long fresh sapling of a plant having two or three leaves was kept inside a glass pyramid. The response and growth pattern of this tiny plant was recorded continuously by time-lapse video camera. The plant appeared to be dancing on a sonorous tune. It first inclined slightly towards the floor. Then took a round towards the east; from there it completed the round by moving towards the west. Having reached the west, it became straight and started oscillating in a slow rhythm. It repeated this ‘dance’ for few minutes at an interval of two hours. Surprisingly, no such movements were seen in any of the saplings (of same age) of that plant in the pots kept outside the pyramid.

Another interesting observation was that only the sapling inside the pyramid showed its greed (like the humans!) for the precious metal by bending completely towards a piece of gold which was placed near it.

The rishis – the ancient Indian experts of geometry, architecture and other sciences and the deep science of cosmic energy – were well aware of the distinct features of pyramid shaped designs. They had also chosen the specific positions on the equator for the construction of the gigantic pyramids at Giza (Egypt), for maximum attraction and conservation of rare cosmic radiations there. They were the torchbearers of divine light, who might have used these pyramids as centres of sublime spiritual endeavors. The savants of today, sitting on the peaks of modern marvelous scientific advancement, may well begin to reinvestigate the noble use of the pyramids for similar experiments.


1. Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya: Samasta Vishwa Ko Bharat Ke Ajastra Anudan."Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya", Vol. 35. Published by Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura:283001 (U.P., India). 1995.

2. Dr. Kapil Dwivedi: Vedon Mein Vigyan. Published by Vishwa Bharti Anusandhan Parishad, Gyanpur, Bhadohi (U.P., India). 2000

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

21st centuries' racist reaction to America's faltering economy

Earlier tonight, my wife and I watched the news on the television. It has been sometime since we watched the news together - being that I usually get pist off and go off on some rant about how stupid the media is and how stupid people are for believing that crap! CNN aired a segment on a sheriff who was battling illegal immigration in his town. That was not news - that was straight up propaganda; an infomercial selling social ideas. I was floored when I realized that major broadcasters now, more or less, openly condone and support racism. CNN has not reached the point of where they air their proponents saying "I hate Mexicans" right out yet; but who are they fooling with their flimsy legitimizations (i.e. ridiculous cause and effects) and use quasi-politically correct terms.

I used to dismiss the immigration issue as if it were an earnest effort to garner public opinion for the Republicans. But this is much deeper than that - the looks on those anti-illegal immigrant protesters reminded me of the photos and videos I have seen from the civil rights days. This one particular white woman was screaming her head off and you could see the deep rooted hatred in her. She was not there pushing for greater efficiency in her district; rather she was furthering her personal agenda of hate! She sounded absurd with her little one liners: "Hasta La Vista your ass to the border!" It hurt to watch her and she truly pissed me off.

It must be stated that these immigration issues that are being debated in the media are magnificently superficial; for these matters lay in deeper sciences of international trade and theory and international political economics. As such, citizens are for the most part ignorant to the specifics surrounding international trade negotiations in both the public and private spheres. But these people seem to have lost their minds; abandoned the little they do know about economics (the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer) and have ultimately jumped on this bandwagon chastising other poor peoples!

There is so much that needs to be done in this world - people starving; people needlessly dying from preventable/ curable diseases; the use of torture... And these people are exerting their energy at having people detained and deported for not complying with the federal government's bureaucracies!

Honestly, if I was a gangster, which I am not, I would extort groups like the minutemen.

Monday, December 17, 2007


We adopted a puppy from the Animal Center of Queens on Friday! My wife and I named her 'Mahalo'. She is a gentle 4 month old Lab/Pit Mix. She's only 20 some pounds and is absolutely precious. I'm hoping she gets much larger!

Getting Knowledge to play nice with her is a work in progress...



Knowledge and Mahalo at play!

Mahalo has two sisters that need to be adopted as well (a litter of three females.) If anyone is interested in adopting one or knows someone who would be - please let me know.


Click on Mahalo's Sisters' pictures to find out more:

Lonnie also needs a home. I was going to adopt her initially, but Knowledge would not accept her into our lives. Lonnie is a little older and Knowledge can still be dog aggressive at times. Although we got them to play and walk together - we didn't want to take a chance... She is absolutely gorgeous and this picture does not do her justice. She is the sweetest thing in the world and needs a good home.

Click on Lonnie's Picture to find out more:


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Terrorists using terrorism to terrorize terrorists?

If I hear the word "Terrorist" one more time in the News - I will have to physically throw my television out of the window (hopefully landing on Lou Dobbs.)

By definition, "Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." (US Federal Bureau of Investigation.)

Think about that definition long and hard 'outside of the box'.

Thus it can be said that any country who uses violences against another government or a civilian population for its social or political ends is a Terrorist.

Hence, the paradox: the Republic of the United States of America has more than 700 bases overseas and in over 36 countries. Since 1798 to 1983 the Republic has engaged in well over 234 conflicts and wars. This number does not include the endless list of American Indian Battles/ wars which were fought from 1777 to 1974; nor does it include armed insurrections and slave rebellions; domestic conflicts; nor does it account for all of the covert operations U.S. agencies have been involved in: i.e. The Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic; Brazil; Guyana; Greece; Bolivia; Peru; Haiti; Guatemala; Fiji; El Salvador...

This is why it is so annoying to keep hearing the word "terrorism" in our mainstream media. It is trenched in hypocrisy and frankly it sounds absolutely absurd and ignorant. Yet like zombies our neighbors; families; co-workers seem to legitimize our governments actions with the notion that it is fighting terrorism. Thus we have terrorists using terrorism to terrorize the terrorists.

But hey before we blame the Bush Administration, lets remember that our present governance has only continued in our Nation's legacy: TERRORISM.

For a list of wars/conflicts please see:
For another list of conflicts/ wars/ or general involvement (i.e. military aid...):
A Map showing a few of these conflicts:
Terrorism, lol, READ THIS!
Wbat is the Schools of America?:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

In the Tradition of Hebron

Let us focus here for a moment and ask ourselves these fundamental questions:

a) How can the Israeli governance possibly legitimize the methodology employed by its police at this residence?

b) How can the U.S. continue to participate in any form of relationship with the current Israeli leadership after witnessing these acts of violence?

Is this is how our allies treat their civilian populations?
If so, what does that say about us?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Should I sympathize with the Muslims or Christians?

Since the invasion of Iraq I have found myself defending Islam on many occasions. Not that Islam needs defending from a NY born Hindu - but just out of decency of knowing that America is not at war (as it legitimizes) "against terrorism propagated by Islam" - rather it is once again on its imperial rampage: Manifest Destiny.

As such, I have often had "Bush bashing" sessions with my Muslim friends and shared in their frustrations - for I too am a child of the colonized and enslaved and within whom the blood of the raped flows. While finding camaraderie with the oppressed: I too often forget that those I find a parallel with may still adhere to the ideology of the oppressor - but have simply been defeated. Its as if a thief was 'out-thieved.'

Thus the conflict ensuing between the Muslims and Christians puts people like myself in a weird position. Hence if one claims to be of either religion, there is an implied acceptance of that religion's doctrines - of which both are imperialistic and condone violence - thus how can we sympathize with either side? They both produce nations of indoctrinated peoples who find wars, primarily based in ideology, justifiable. Thus as these two religions continue to wreak havoc on one another, the Christians have established a stronger footing which has ultimately created a huge oppressed class of Muslims. Thus should we not sympathize with the currently oppressed? Should we not try to remedy this; for it embodies human suffering? Or rather should we stand aside and applaud the oppressor who has been subduing a potential threat and keeping it at a bay?

"Those who make war with Allah and his messenger will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. That is how they will be treated in this world, and in the next they will have an awful doom."

"But those who disbelieve and deny Our revelations, they are owners of hell- fire."


"You shall fight back against those who do not believe in GOD, nor in the Last Day, nor do they prohibit what GOD and His messenger have prohibited, nor do they abide by the religion of truth - among those who received the scripture - until they pay the due tax, willingly or unwillingly."

“So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates"

Bible (KJV):

Mathew 28:19:
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

Luke 19:27
"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me."

Numbers 31:15-19
"And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Deuteronomy 20:13-16
“And when the Lord thy God hath delivered [a city] into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and the little ones . . . shalt thou take unto thyself . . . But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth”

Presently, there are 1.6 billion Muslims and 2.1 billion Christians in this world - 54% of the world's population. Of which, the Muslims have suffered their due defeat on the battle field. After centuries of domination, they have now come to suffer the same pains they inflicted on those they conquered. So before we align due to similarity in circumstance - one must understand that we are both here from very different reasons. Further one must note - that once this body is rejuvenated and should it maintain a non-secular route: it will again wreck havoc on the world. On the other hand, we have the victorious Christians who have essentially used the world as their own backyard. Within which the U.S. is 75% Christian and has a track record that is less than fabulous: with nearly wiping out the indigenous of this land; slavery; witch hunts; colonialism; imperialism; white supremacy; neo-liberalization and now their recent war on terror and against immigrants.

Thus we must not get caught in the cross fire between the Christians and Muslims - rather we should focus on the greater good and try to divert their energy towards the same. One should employ power politics and employ methods to call upon the masses religious morality/ accountability in composing both domestic and foreign policies fostering Universal Peace. Public advocacy which manipulates that which the wealthy oppressors have held a monopoly over. And all the while trying to create a harmonious society conducive to peace - continue fostering Education; Education; and Education for the masses.

"Just Give Peace A Chance"

We live in a violent society which is conducive to random killings. Whether we blame the media; poverty; poor education; or even the government's imperialistic agenda (constant state of war and terror); - we have to face this fiasco and remedy it.

To welcome certain acts of violence and to shun others has proven futile in nurturing a healthy society. Hence we have given violence its fair chance: for throughout history we have allowed war; aggression; and patriarchal methods. Is it not time to "just give peace a chance"?

If in the absent of violence there is peace, then it is non-violent methods we seek.

Ideally we would be able to seek a solution in a 'top down model' - where the government would change certain policies and the violence would diffuse. As nice as that would be - it is unrealistic and many would suggest that the solution lays more at a grassroots level in a 'bottom up model'.

Yet the grassroots level may very well be a too high of a point to start as well - for the ultimate change lays in the individual. For before individuals can congregate and collaborate for a greater communal consciousness - they themselves must have actualized its virtues.

To anticipate the such: individuals laboring at finding peace within themselves - would be at best - naive. The probability that individuals will self-motivate and began the arduous task on their own is close to zero.

Thus the method to finding communal wellness lays not within top down or bottom up models - but rather lays in every facet of the society becoming involved in "refinement." Example can be made of China's recent 'refinement regiment' (i.e. no spitting in public spaces)- to better present itself for the upcoming Olympics. From the governance to the media; private enterprise; academia; and grassroots - every asset of society must be mobilized in finding better citizenry and communal wellness.

Thus to bring non-violence into our societies psyche - individuals must let go of their violent thoughts; methodologies; and actions. This begins with deep introspection and studies aided by a strong will to live righteous. Realization of concepts that have been scribed about non-violence: i.e. it is not a double negation as in 'not getting angry is non-violence' - rather non-violence lays in refining one's thoughts and actions and coming to higher understandings of life and its processes...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Anti-depressents and the wave of violent teen shootings

Interesting article on the connection between anti-depressants and the wave of violent teen shootings at:

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Family Literacy Program

Silvana Vasconcelos has recently began a Family Literacy Program at the Queens Library located in Long Island City, Queens. Through her constant dedication, She has helped many immigrant families find better lives here in New York City. She has continuously taught them everything from goal orientation to literacy to better parenting - she has been absolutely involved in bringing all that she can to this community.

I interviewed with her yesterday to become a volunteer with her program and came to learn how much help they really need over there. With regards to work and school - I can only volunteer for a few hours a week. I hope people take interest in her cause in helping these families better integrate in to our city and our able to help her for at the least a few hours a week.

You can find more information at the Queens Library's Website:

Peace and Blessings.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Essay on Slavery and Economics

The Economics of Black Diamonds

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As a slave descendent scavenges through his vague story (history) books and analyzes hear say, he simply seeks knowledge of what exactly happened to his forbearers. Were they really primitive savages or were they (or rather we) of less ability than those who enslaved us? One can not develop a full sense of self or identity alone from the achievements of the few celebrated Washington Carvers or the controversial Malcolm X’s. This inquiry has created a market for research seeking the truth of our past. Yet after a deeper study of this subject on slavery, focused on the African transatlantic trade, we only seem to find the obvious: capitalism! It is what motivated the European colonies in the Americas to rely on the labor of slaves of African descent; it was business.

Karl Marx wrote, “…the colonisation of America, trade with the colonies, the increase in the means of exchange and in commodities generally, gave to commerce, to navigation, to industry, an impulse never before known, and thereby, to the revolutionary element in the tottering feudal society, a rapid development."[i] To give justice to Marx’s commentary, one must have an understanding of Europe’s medieval economics. Many economic historians attribute the enclosures as a starting point, which coined the growth of market economies in approximately 1450 a.d. In brief, enclosures were the privatization of land to be used to supply the market; rather than meet the communal needs of those who pastured it.[ii] Without land to nourish the peasants, they transformed into the proletariat seeking refuge within the Feudal System.[iii]

The feudal system comprised of a relationship between the peasant’s labor (known as the serf) and the aristocratic noble’s (land owner) protection. The land was a dividend granted by the king “to his most important nobles, his barons, and his bishops, in return for their contribution of soldiers for the king's armies.”[iv] The scarcity of resources is a primary principle of economics and as such over time the lords could no longer provide new land to their serfs. With kings developing National Armies and the lack of land led to the decline of this feudalistic system.[v] This "marked the end of the true feudal age and began paving the way for strong monarchies, nation states, and national wars of the sixteenth century. Much fourteenth century feudalism had become artificial and self-conscious. Already men were finding it a little curious. It was acquiring an antiquarian interest and losing its usefulness. It was ceasing to belong to the real world of practical living." [vi] With the feudal system failing, merchant capitalism took the main stage.

Mercantilism was the prominent economic policy during the 1500’s, which held ‘emphasis on the importance of gold and silver holdings as a sign of a nation’s wealth and power led to policies designed to obtain precious metals through trade by ensuring “favorable” trade balances. It ensured government regulation to increase its power at the expense of rival nations and it favored a large population to supply laborers, purchasers of goods, and soldiers.’[vii] Mercantilism set the precedent for colonialism and overseas conquest; the Americas had an abundance of resources, whereas feudalist Europe had depleted their own. Thus the colonies became a vital resource for its bullion, raw materials, finished products and other commodities. Slavery became essential in this equation by keeping the labor cheap and increasing the profit margins.[viii] Neither the merchants nor the empires they represented had any humanistic ideals: they were simply seeking wealth, regardless the cost. There was a created demand for slavery and a market rose in the form of the transatlantic slave trade.

“The long-term contact of the Mediterranean with Africans from at least the time of Egyptian civilization onwards makes one doubt the importance of this phenomenon. Also the extensive history of Europeans enslaving each other would suggest that there was nothing special about the Africans and slavery in the European mind at the end of the fifteenth century.”[ix] Mercantilism aggressively forced efficiency for the colonialist and for those trying to capitalize from the Americas: thus the demand for cheap and efficient slave or indentured labor. The Native Americans were a poor labor source with their propensity for revolt, escape, and suicide. Other labor markets were rapidly growing across Europe, so it became increasingly difficult to recruit European peasants for labor across seas. The Portuguese had success with the Black labor force in São Thomé in the Gulf of Guinea and through a series of trial and error again met success with this labor in the tropical Americas (staffed with European managers.)[x] The Africans also waged better against disease and the climate compared to their laboring counterparts.[xi] African slavery seemed to fit the shoe. “America became the great market for some 9 to 10 million Africans in the course of the next five centuries,” [xii]

We are often led to believe the romantic notion that Europe was engulfed with an adventurous spirit and these great men set sail to discover new routes to the Indies. Once this new land was discovered they civilized the areas and brought with them agriculture to tame the land. This is a stretch from the truth; they came in pursuit of capitalistic resources from prior knowledge of existing routes. Once they landed, they destroyed the inhabitants and ruthlessly pursuit of African slavery as labor for profit. Europe was at the dawn of peasant uprisings and with a mobilization of a middle class at hand; they needed economic expansion. Thus were the birth of capitalism and the modernization of slavery. Capitalism is the culprit and at its roots we find greed which led to the African slavery. With this learnt, allow us the wisdom to learn from our past, regain our dignity and to have the sight of our greed incited ideology of today: our Neo-Conservative government with its forced expansionary Neo-Liberal markets.

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[i] Marx, Carl. Communist Manifesto. International Publishers Co., Inc 1948 (American Reprinting)

[ii] This information is primarily based off Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica

[iii] Information is based on the article from Revolution Special Youth Edition

[iv] Annenberg/CPB Learner.Org

[v] This information is almost paraphrased from

[vi] J. J. Bagley

[vii] This segment is paraphrased from Encyclopedia Britannica and

[viii] This information was found at and was combined with my prior learnings.

[ix] Herbert Klein, African Slavery, chapter 2

[x] Curtin, Philip D. Epidemiology and The Slave Trade. The Slavery Reader. Slavery in the

Americas: An introductory overview. London: Routeledge, 2003.

[xi] Curtin, Philip D. Epidemiology and The Slave Trade. The Slavery Reader. Slavery in the

Americas: An introductory overview. London: Routeledge, 2003.

[xii] Walvin, James and Heuman, Gad. The Slavery Reader. Slavery in the

Americas: An introductory overview. London: Routeledge, 2003.

A Persuasive Precedent for a New World Order

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Art has been a decisive tool for mass propaganda and the legitimization of imperial sovereignty throughout history. An apposite illustration which attests to the persuasive precedents for a New World Order may be found in Roma Spiridione’s The East Offering its Riches to Britannia. Through this artistic rendition of merchant capitalism, we find a stark reminder of our felonious past as Americans, in part of the European structure of commerce. This early modern art is also emblematic of Europe’s egocentric views from its period of Enlightenment.

This oil painting was finished on an oval canvas by Spiridione, while commissioned by The East India Company in 1777 (British Library). He was assigned to paint a ceiling piece for the Revenue Committee Room at the East India House (British Library). Although it is representational art depicting early corporate colonialism, it combines the Rococo style by accenting the luxurious state, dainty figures and by placing cherubs in the background (Stokstad 378). This style is further accentuated by his use of polychromy combined with a high concentration of the primary hue blue, which creates a cool palette (Stokstad 5). His use of other colors contrasts the blue, such as the use of red on the Roman God Mercury’s garments and the dark complexion of the Indian woman. Mercury’s red commands authority as he stands amongst the ‘Easterners,’ in the middle right quadrant. The Indian woman is kneeling at the center of the painting, and as her complexion contrasts with her surroundings, the observer’s attention is directed to the paintings midpoint. There is also linear symmetry which focuses at the center, by depicting majority of the figures facing or pointing towards the middle.

The heavy use of iconography (Stokstad 6) captures the observer’s intimate attention. The major concentration of the painting is on the middle and lower quadrants of the left and right side. In the aforementioned quadrants of the right side, we find the ‘Easterners’ represented by the Asian delegates of India, China, and Indonesia. They are giving their wealth to Britannia at the command of Mercury. On the quadrants aforesaid of the left side, we find Britannia identifiable by the flag she is wearing. She stands over a lion which symbolizes power. Below it in the lower left quadrant of the foreground, lays Old Father Thames (Robins 6) also symbolizing navigational might. In the center lower quadrant, we find a ship with the East India Company flag (Robins 3). This painting can be interpreted as the lowly Asians engaging in commerce with the mighty Brits, through the East India Company. Roma juxtapositions Britannia in a higher quadrant over the kneeling Asians to show an early classical styled relationship akin to God and worshiper.

As Western societies hypocritically stand as pillars for justice and righteousness, their consciousness lays in a continuum of atrocious crimes against humanity and the peoples of hundreds of nations. The historical subject matter of this painting, captures these evils of merchant capitalism and their present day neoliberal policies. Although an afflicted eye can capture the true nature of this work, this painting gave merchant capitalism legitimacy to its intended audience. It held fast to the egoistic views of European supremacy. This allowed them to economically rape Asia, so they can enjoy their pathetic luxuries while profiting from human misery. This painting is a reminder of how our governing and economical systems, which are both geared towards the New World Order, need to be completely replaced!

Works Cited

Stokstad, Marilyn. Art: A Brief History. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2004 (DiYanni 154).

DiYanni, Robert. Writing About the Humanities. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2004.

Spiridione, Roma. The East Offering its Riches to Britannia. British Library. c5945-03

Robins, Nick. “The East offering its riches to Britannia.” 22 January


Cries of the South

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The voices of civil right’s martyrs and the humming of a distraught black woman, combined with water flowing over the names and dates of those murdered fighting for equality commences the Southern Poverty Law Center’s film, Faces in the Water. The 2005 documentary complements Alabama’s Civil Rights Memorial and is viewed at their sixty nine seat theater. This cinema is based on a true story and is written, directed and narrated by Jim Carrier.

Set in an era of violence, it depicts America’s Southern struggle through a series of black and white photos and still shots. Many scenes also use Maya Lin’s civil right’s monument as a backdrop, which adds a continuum uniting the past and present strife for an equal status quo. The film is an overview of forty men, women and children who were victimized and murdered out of sheer racism. The narrative begins with the tragedy of Emmett Louis Till, whose body was discovered in the Tallahatchie River with one eye gauged out, a 75 pound cotton gin tied around his neck and shot in the head. The fourteen year old boy’s body was found three days after he was murdered. The husband of a white woman, with the help of his brother viciously tortured and killed him for allegedly having whistled when he saw her. The child’s mother had his body returned home to Chicago, where he was given an open casket funeral. She is quoted in the film, “people had to face my son, they had to face themselves.” Despite the overwhelming evidence the murders were given a not-guilty verdict (even though they admitted their doings in court.) Jim Carrier also displays an array of pictures humanizing Emmett, allowing us to see him as a real person (pictures of him growing up.)

Although the film is dedicated to the forty martyrs, Carrier seems to tell more: the civil rights saga. One can observe that the tragic stories are told on a time line, from the beginning of the black suffrage movement to the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Through vivid visualizations from the use of various shot techniques, such as shallow focus shots, he leaves us with a memory of how the struggle unfolded. His use of black and white, the dark lighting of the film helps develop a sad feeling; thus reaching the audiences’ emotions (which is again, essential to memory.) Rather then presenting another single faceted history lesson, he brings alive the multi-dimensional aspects of life in the South and the need for such movements, in a manner that the audience will not forget.

Jim Carrier working in conjunction with The Southern Poverty Law Center created a heart wrenching film. I have watched it over ten times, and still am left with an overwhelming emotional response. It reminds me of the pains and labors of the men and women who paved the path for me. The scenes of women being hosed down during peaceful marches by uniformed riot police, police dogs mauling them, the water flowing in the monument, from Montgomery to Washington D.C., church bombings, and the eyes filled with tears all for equal rights with those of different skin complexion. The sharp images Carrier uses motivate me to further educate myself and become an asset to the continuous struggle for a land of equal opportunity. The boycotts, sit-ins, and names of those murdered like Rev. George Lee, Medger Evers, Jimmie Lee Jackson and Viola Rose will be reminded to the generations who watch this film.

Lavoe Revolt

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Speech from Dad's 60th Birthday Party

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Today we gather here to celebrate one man’s birthday. We eat, drink, laugh and dance to celebrate his special day…. But we live in a fast paced world, where the hours of time pass us so fast, that sometimes we truly forget why we do the things we do.

As such, allow us to remember that today is not just my father’s special day, but rather a special day for all of us that love him – for we have been blessed with another day, another hour, another year with our beloved. It is we who celebrate – because we know that we have the comfort of his love, the security that only his heart can provide, and his strength that guides us in our lifes path.

To best understand what a father endures, The great poet Kahlil Gibran once said:
“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.”
As such, my father has allowed the greatest archer, God – to use him as a bow – and he endured being bent, as a bow does: so that my brother and I, the arrows – may travel far and strong….

Many know that my father has done a great deal for both our family and our community – but what most don’t know what it takes to do what he has continuously achieved. The man has awoken consistently every morning for the past 35 years, to spend his entire day working. From early morning to late at night, as the rest of us played, watched t.v. or read books – my father sat in his office buried in a pile of paperwork.

Most of my life, I resented him for that, I would say – I rather have a poor father – but one who would spend more time with me.
But this was my youth speaking - I was too young to understand that my father was working so hard – so that he can provide a better life not only to my mother, brother and I – but to more then 8 other families. He has sacrificed his time, his life – so that other’s may live.

He has continuously stood as a pillar to both our nuclear family and extended. He is there for those within our community, as such - I often see men come late at night – simply seeking advice from my father. Many come in times of despair, when a good man’s friendship is necessary.

what I didn’t understand, was why he cared for everybody – but me.

But the truth is, my father gave me a wealth – the greatest riches in life – he taught me how to love, to love unconditionally and taught me how to be there for the people around me. My father’s lessons have taught us all – and has taught us well.

Today my brother is an attorney – and as of yet I have never seen him advice another in a wrong way – he often doesn’t worry about profits and helps people who need him. This virtue was not taught at law school, he learned it from watching my father. I want to teach, perhaps be a professor one day – this want of working with others is my father’s teachings to me.

This is but just one achievememnt of my father, there are many others I can speak of – as such as teaching us how to challenge ordinary thinking – to think outside the box. Remember he was the man who married a women, my beautiful mother, outside of the community understanding – he challenged and won against the caste system by having a successful marriage. He journeyed here to America, to speak of another achievement – not because America is anyway better then our India – but simply an achievement for having the courage to voyage half way across the world – to start a new life for him and our families.

So today remember, we are not here just to eat, drink, laugh and dance – but rather we are here to be reminded - that we have the opportunity to spend one more day, one more year, and simply just more time with the man that has loved us all unconditionally, my father Chandrakant Shantilal Shah.

Love u didi.

Essay on Bolivian Water Wars

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The Bolivian Example to Citizenry

“Instead of governance being "of the people, by the people, for the people", governance becomes "of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations".”

It is amazing how men and women study and understand the deep intricacies of strategies, distribution, and demographics when it comes to football or baseball. They will know the most monotonous facts about these trivial things, yet they ironically shrug when current events are discussed. The American majority is plagued by such ignorance, inaction and complacency; for they rather watch sports than understand or question the basic tenets of our existing society. It is this same complacency that has allowed our government and its corporate affiliates to forcibly liberalize the post-colonial nations’ economies. They have only been furthering the advent of destruction of the people of these nations in the namesake of ‘development,’ and as these evil trans-national conglomerates rapidly grow in size, power and capital; we watch Tiki Barber running around in tights chasing a ball. Against all odds, the people of these oppressed nations have gathered and found within their souls enough strength to mobilize against these atrocities. As such allow us to review the events of and those that led up to the mass movement against privatization in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
“I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves.”
In April of 2000, the Bolivian President Hugo Banzer raged that “the chaos has begun to spread ... just at the moment in which we are beginning an important economic reactivation plan,"[1] and declared a “state of siege.”[2] Later that day, BBC News reported globally that “The Bolivian Government has called the army onto the streets after protests over water price rises spiralled into violence, leaving several dead.”[3] The average individual would shrug at such violence and would perhaps even reprimand those who resorted to such means; especially to protest these menial and trivial issues. Thus, exemplifying how unaware the individual is in regards to the current dynamical global events. The events of Cochabamba did not categorize ‘random acts of insurgency,’ rather; it illustrated the unified and mass mobilization of Bolivian peasants to protect the public interest. The price rates of water had recently increased to estimates close to 200 percent[4] and affected the core survival of both the aggregate community and the individual family. To further dispel the disparity between the foreign reader and the events of Cochabamba; we need to highlight certain historical events that molded the current state of affairs of Bolivia.
“It all seemed a riskless romp - until a few thirsty, angry peasants decided they could stop it.”

At the root of the ‘water revolt’[5] was the neo-liberal ‘Decree 21060’ by President Victor Pas Estensorro in 1985.[6] Drafted by Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, an American-educated technocrat;[7] it essentially laid the foundation for privatization of state-owned companies and the destruction of the powerful unions.[8] President Estensorro tried to legitimize the legislation by declaring its necessity to challenge the preposterous inflation rates Bolivia was suffering. Ultimately, this legislation proved it did not have the public interest at heart; rather it was an invitation to international conglomerates to make the elite even wealthier by selling off the publicly held companies (i.e. tin mines, petroleum, telecommunications, railroads, utilities and manufacturing capital.)[9] To better understand how this could have happened; we need to briefly review President Estensorro’s role in Bolivian history and his political affiliations with the MNR.
President Estensorro originally came to power in 1952, after the MNR successfully overthrew the old military regime during the Bolivian National Revolution.[10] MNR (Nationalist Revolutionary Movement) was a political party that he had co-founded and it consisted of fascist ideology catering to the middle class.[11] Estensorro implemented vast political, economical and land reforms to avert scrutinization from the post-revolution masses.[12] Presumably, they opted for these conservative reforms because were still vulnerable to the masses (which had helped them achieve their power.) The MNR soon shifted their policies back to the extreme right after Estensorro was succeeded by President Hernando Siles Zuazo.[13]
“The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is,
in my opinion, the real source of the evil.”
Once again MNR suspended social programs, which had resulted from the revolution and began laying foundations to privatize industry. They brought in massive financial support from foreign investors (including the U.S.) and even re-invited the ousted American petroleum companies.[14] President Estensorro resumed his presidency after Zuazo’s term and followed suit in liberalizing Bolivia.[15] He also reinstated a national military. In 1965, Estensorro tried to run for another term of Presidency and was ousted and exiled by a military coup.[16] He then returned to Presidency in 1985 and immediately resumed his liberal policies. Since 1985, MNR has ruled Bolivia in conjunction with other parties who have also adopted neo-liberal policies. MNR once again directly secured power in 1993 with President Lozada and began a particular ‘privatization and capitalization program’ in which the “government sold its interests in electrical energy, transportation, communication, hydrocarbon, and airline companies to foreign partners; the remaining government stake in these companies was transferred to a new national pension fund system.” [17]
The dictator who had ruthlessly ruled over Bolivia from 1971 to 1978, Hugo Banzer was elected to presidency in 1997. The following year, Bolivia obtained a loan for $138 million from the International Monetary Fund (IMF.)[18] The loan was received in an effort to stabilize “inflation and bolster economic growth”[19] and it detailed conditions bounding Bolivia to “sell of all remaining public enterprises; including national oil refineries and Cochabamba’s local water agency, SEMAPA.” [20] In 1999, the World Bank prepared an economic report Bolivia Public Expenditure Review and maintained that “no subsidies should be given to ameliorate the increase in water tariffs in Cochabamba.”[21] It prompted the government to privatize its water system in the region, and thus Banzer signed a $2.5 billion contract with Bechtel.[22] Aguas del Tunari, a consortium in which Bechtel held a 27.5 percent interest, assumed controlled of Cochabamba’s water and sanitation supply.[23] Banzer sold off an entire city’s water supply.
“It is a basic tenet of accounting that investors, not customers, fund capital projects. The risk-takers then recover their outlay, with profit, when the project produces a product for sale. This is the heart, soul and justification of the system called 'capitalism'. That's the theory. But when a monopoly operator gets its fist around a city's water spigots, it can pump the funds for capital projects from captive customers rather than shareholders.”
Water formulates two-thirds of the human body and has no perfect substitutes. We have an absolute need for water to cook our food, and to maintain both general sanitary and hygienic standards. Therefore, how do you think we would react to New York City secretly selling off our water supply? The government would have essentially jeopardized our survival and thus marginalized their legitimacy to advocate on behalf of our popular sovereignty. Nevertheless, before we take up arms; we must not forget the old Adam Smith cliché of “there is no such thing as a free lunch.” We continuously elect to live in a capitalistic society, and in order for us to enjoy the utility of a product or a service: we must engage in a trade. Thus, what should be the exchange rate/ value for a substance that is essential to human survival? This question also perplexed Adam Smith, and he questions, in his diamond-water paradox, “why is it that diamonds, which have very little practical use, command a higher price than water which is indispensable to life.”[24] This is not a subject that we can afford to be complacent with. Allow me to reiterate that last point, “…water which is indispensable to life.”
Although water itself is inexpensive, there are high expenditures on the water supply. Since the government appropriates our funds; we barely even know about it. We rarely even wonder how our water is supplied and/or the labour it requires to do so. Most people do not take interest in whether or not there has been a general increase in costs of production inputs as the environmental and health codes stricken and as new technologies are introduced. While we are complacent with our water supply, many companies are working hard to find ways to legitimize water privatization across the world. This is bad. Privatization has many downfalls and aside from the basic textbook disadvantages of privatization, such as the loss of ‘local control’ and ‘negative aspects of a long-term contract,’[25] there are some major factors to consider: what kind of contractual agreement to enter; evaluations and feasibility of privatization; assessments of risk and benefits; financial feasibility; regulatory considerations; and an evaluation of legal and institutional factors.[26]
Yet the community in Cochabamba was not even informed that Banzer had privatized their water supplies until October of 1999, when Aguas del Tunari (ADT) announced they now controlled what once was;[27] and always has been: a public utility. This should have been grounds from which grass root organizations could find immediate legal recourse; especially since ADT “was also to be given control over hundreds of rural irrigation systems and community wells, projects paid for and built by local people without government help.”[28] Therefore, not only were people not informed about the decisions, they were cheated as well. The masses were profoundly against privatization, “On March 26 we conducted a popular consultation in the Cochabamba area served by the water company. We asked the people what they wanted. Did they want the contract? Did they want the law to continue privatizing the water? Did they want increases in the water bills? Between 94 and 98 percent of the people said no to all of these. Fifty thousand people voted. It could have been more, but we didn't have the resources to make arrangements for more.”[29]
At this moment I am happy, for I realize that I am achieving the goal of my life: to do something meaningful for others, to put into concrete actions my desire to love
Soon broad based grassroots organization quietly developed in Cochabamba; included both “urban and rural, both poor and middle class.”[30] La Coordinadora for the Defense of Water and Life consisted of the “local factory workers union, irrigators and farmers, environmental groups, local economists, [and] progressive members of Congress.”[31] Everybody was against this privatization, “all of the people were united against the water company.”[32] Teachers with an $80 monthly income and workers living on the minimum wage of $60 could not afford to pay $15-25 a month for water. With $25 being 58% of $60, workers were paying more then half of their salaries for water. Proportionately, it would be relatively cheaper to shower with bottled water in New York City! As the people of Cochabamba were uniting; La Coordinadora began planning demonstrations.
Oscar Olivera stated that “On December 28th, we had the first mass mobilization. Many people said it wasn't a good time for it -- the end of the year during the holidays -- but we mobilized 15,000 or 20,000 people in the central plaza of Cochabamba.”[33] They rallied for reforms in both the water contract and the national parliament promulgated law number 2029. This demonstration lasted for four days and endured Banzer’s oppressive tactics to subdue to demonstration (once a dictator - always a dictator.) The demonstrators, while weathering against elements as such as tear gas, set up “blockades closed down the two main highways leading in and out of town, eliminating bus transportation and food shipments. The airport was shut. Roadblocks fashioned out of piles of rocks and tree branches cutoff all traffic in the city.”[34] The government finally ceded and singed an agreement, which stated that they would make the necessary adjustments to both the law 2029 and the contract with Bechtel within the next 45 days.[35]
“Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.”

As the people of Cochabamba waited for results from Banzer, La Coordinadora planned a peaceful demonstration. They tried to orchestrate a mass movement, to show that they had not lost public support and were still awaiting results. They planned on a “lunchtime protest,”[36] where people would come to support the cause, and then return to work. With more than 1,000 heavily armed police and soldiers emplaced, 30,000 people entered the into the city plaza with roses in their hands and solidarity in their hearts. Oscar Olivera recalls his experience from that day, of when the protestors were peacefully leaving the plaza: “We hadn't gone more than a couple of hundred meters when there were gunshots. A thousand police appeared, some with dogs. Some of the police had come from La Paz and other places to help the police of Cochabamba. The people fought for two days. It was practically a war -- 175 protesters were injured.” This had become a revolution against the oppressive regime that ignored the people’s voice. With sticks and stones; mothers, Fathers, Sons, and daughters fought against the fully geared police. As the radios began covering the story locally, people began to help people. They offered food to those fighting and helped those that were injured. Victims of tear gas and police brutality finally found victory when the announcement came: the company had “invoked a temporary rate rollback for six months.”[37]
“Why does the guerrilla fighter fight? We must come to the inevitable conclusion that the guerrilla fighter is a social reformer, that he takes up arms responding to the angry protest of the people against their oppressors, and that he fights in order to change the social system that keeps all his unarmed brothers in ignominy and misery.”
In the following month a public poll was set up, which allowed the general population to voice their sentiments towards their water be privatized. The demonstrations were no longer being staged to alter contracts or legislation; for they now wanted full control over the water and waste supply and utilities. The masses proposed that the government cancel the contract, and with their refusal to listen; on Tuesday, April 4th, protestors took to the streets again. Staged as the “The Final Battle,”[38] La Coordinadora announced that it would demonstrate this time until their demands were met. Olivera recalled that “It was a similar action to the one before. But this time we were better prepared. The people prepared for it like for a war. They prepared molotov cocktails, barbed wire fences, things to puncture tires, masks, everything.”[39] At first, as protestors gathered – the streets were still peaceful. There was still dancing in the streets and religious services for the people until the businessmen from the Civil Committee and La Coordinadora held a meeting. While trying to create one common position polar to the government’s policy, police and military person locked down the building they were in for the night. Fighting erupted through the city, 30,000 angry protestors challenged the State’s authority. By Friday, the crowds were amassing to greater numbers in Cochabamba and a 17 year old had already been shot in the face and killed. After confusion between weather Bechtel had agreed to leave or not, crowds temporarily began to disperse. That night the government carried out a sweep and arrested majority of the protest leaders.
Saturday morning Banzer declared a ‘State of Emergency’ and implemented a form of Marshall Law. The people were infuriated and thus began the well know rebellion dubbed as the “water wars.” Buildings were set on fire, the protestors fought against the police and military personnel who were firing both live ammunition and tear gas into the crowds. By Monday there were more than 80,000 protestors in the streets and the news of it spread across the world. CNN broadcasted: “An international consortium pulled out of a planned $200 million waterworks project after violent protests against water rate hikes rocked Bolivia over the weekend, killing at least five people and injuring at least 40, the government says.” As Bechtel employees fled from Bolivia, Olivera emerged from hiding and signed an agreement with the government guaranteeing “the withdrawal of Aguas del Tunari, grants control of Cochabamba's water to La Coordinadora, assures the release of detained protesters, and promises the repeal of water privatization legislation.”[40]
Thus, here we find the true cost of privatizing water: factional insurrection or even an armed revolution. From the Bolivian experience, we learn that when Capitalism continues to serve the interest of the velvet gloved minority and oppress the basic essentials of survival of the majority: people begin to wake up and fight back. As such allow us to remember the struggle of those in Cochabamba and use them as an example to break our patterns of complacency, to stand against our oppressors as well. For there are no national, racial, ethnic or patriotic boundaries binding greed; the masses – be it they are American or Bolivian; black or white; Latino or Asian – are all simply viewed in a dual vision: as consumers and as factors of production. We are all at an equal risk, and must stop privatization immediately. We must find alternative forms of governance and economical structure; one which will provide an more equitable status quo for the peoples of the world. Idealism is not a form of disillusion, nor lunacy: it’s a form of caring about humanity.
To Love is to Die For Your Friends
By, Nestor Paz
To be poured into old wineskins
To cease being
To weep for being
To be other
To be silent
Solitary tree, hand on the landscape
We are winepresses of the memory,
Life clarifying in the joy of being.
Who would say that we must learn to love?
Whoever would say that to love
Is to die.
Felled ceder
Alcoholic green and wasted
To die for your friends
Wood for the sated’s fire,
To die for your friends
Crackling struggle
Twitching hand
Emptiness of being.
To die for your friends
To fill your hands
Not to dry your tears
Cease the mourning
Litany of selfgiving.
To die for your friends
To die in oblivion
To die for our frieds.
Oh, my beloved of the dusty roads,
So many dreams
So many hands interwoven
With songs sweet to ear;
Oh, beloved, companion of the dawn.
Who would say that we must learn to love,
That to live is to die for your friends.
Subworld of the mediocre,
A lawn, pleasant lawn,
And the bank account,
And the life insurance,
And the world of competition,
And to die for your friends
For the alienation
That gallops through your veins,
To die for your friends,
To forget the last name,
The smell, the color,
Of the competition of the status money quo.
To give your life for your friends
And to learn to love.
To die in oblivion
Announced today
Thursday night
Comfort tomorrow
Friday afternoon.
To transcend in wheatgrain,
To be ground up for bread,
To dry the tears.
No more weeping!
To be able to see the people
With hope-filled eyes,
To be able to say
Get set to be a man
To be a man
To be other,
Extended hand
Loving ceder
Sources for quotations between paragraphs
  1. Dr. Vandana Shiva. Bechtel And Blood For Water.
  2. Ernesto Che Guevara.
  3. Gregory Palast, The Observer, 23 April 2000
  4. Albert Einstein. Why Socialism?
  5. Gregory Palast, The Observer, 23 April 2000
  6. Nestor Paz. My Life For My Friends.
  7. Albert Einstein. Why Socialism?
  8. Ernesto Che Guevara.
  9. Nestor Paz. My Life For My Friends.
Book Bibliography
  1. Nestor Paz. My Life For My Friends. New York: Orbis Books. 1975.
  2. Lee, Terence. Residential Water Demand and Economic Development. Toronto: Toronto Press. 1969.
  3. Alexander, Robert. Bolivia. Connecticut: Praeger Publishers. 1982.
  4. Raftelis, George. Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing. New York: CRC. 1993.
  5. Burns, Bradford. Latin America, A Concise History. New Jersey: Pearson. 2002.
Cited Endnotes

[1] BBC News: Violence erupts in Bolivia. 8 April, 2000.
[2] PBS Frontline World: Timeline: Cochabamba Water Revolt. June 2002.
[3] BBC News: Violence erupts in Bolivia. 8 April, 2000.
[4] Shultz, Jim. The Democracy Center: BOLIVIA’S WAR OVER WATER
[5] PBS Frontline World: Timeline: Cochabamba Water Revolt. June 2002.
[6] Hylton, Forrest. ZNET: Popular Insurrection and National Revolution. October 2003.
[7] Hylton, Forrest. ZNET: Popular Insurrection and National Revolution. October 2003.
[8] Shultz, Jim. The Democracy Center: BOLIVIA’S WAR OVER WATER
[9] Shultz, Jim. The Democracy Center: BOLIVIA’S WAR OVER WATER
[10] Bolivia. (2006). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 20, 2006, from
Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
[11] Bolivia. (2006). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 20, 2006, from
Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
[12] Bolivia. (2006). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 20, 2006, from
Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
[13] Bolivia. (2006). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 20, 2006, from
Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
[14] Bolivia. (2006). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 20, 2006, from
Encyclopædia Britannica Online:

[15] Víctor Paz Estenssoro. Wikipedia. 2006.

[16] Bolivia. (2006). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 20, 2006, from
Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
[17] Bolivia. (2006). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 20, 2006, from
Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
[18] PBS Frontline World: Timeline: Cochabamba Water Revolt. June 2002.
[19] PBS Frontline World: Timeline: Cochabamba Water Revolt. June 2002.
[20] PBS Frontline World: Timeline: Cochabamba Water Revolt. June 2002.
[21] PBS Frontline World: Timeline: Cochabamba Water Revolt. June 2002.
[22] Bechtel. Wikipedia. 2006.
[23] Bechtel. Wikipedia. 2006.
[25] Raftelis, 91
[26] Raftekis, 94
[27] PBS Frontline World: Timeline: Cochabamba Water Revolt. June 2002.
[28] Shultz, Jim. The Democracy Center: BOLIVIA’S WAR OVER WATER
[29] Multinational Monitor: The Fight for Water and Democray – An Interview with Oscar Olivera. June 2000.
[30] Shultz, Jim. The Democracy Center: BOLIVIA’S WAR OVER WATER
[31] Shultz, Jim. The Democracy Center: BOLIVIA’S WAR OVER WATER
[32] Multinational Monitor: The Fight for Water and Democray – An Interview with Oscar Olivera. June 2000.
[33] Multinational Monitor: The Fight for Water and Democray – An Interview with Oscar Olivera. June 2000.
[34] Shultz, Jim. The Democracy Center: BOLIVIA’S WAR OVER WATER
[35] Multinational Monitor: The Fight for Water and Democray – An Interview with Oscar Olivera. June 2000.
[36] Shultz, Jim. The Democracy Center: BOLIVIA’S WAR OVER WATER
[37] Shultz, Jim. The Democracy Center: BOLIVIA’S WAR OVER WATER
[38] Shultz, Jim. The Democracy Center: BOLIVIA’S WAR OVER WATER
[39] Multinational Monitor: The Fight for Water and Democray – An Interview with Oscar Olivera. June 2000.
[40] PBS Frontline World: Timeline: Cochabamba Water Revolt. June 2002.

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